Sharing knowledge with the Ecuadorian shrimp industry at the XIX Congreso Ecuatoriano de Acuicultura.
On 25, 26 and 27 October INVE Aquaculture was present at the XIX Congreso Ecuatoriano de Acuicultura Santa Elena 2017. This event was organized by Cenaim-Espol, Espol and Fimcbor (facultad de ingeniería marítima, ciencias biológicas, oceánicas y recursos naturales) at the Puerto Lucía Yacht Club in La Libertad, Ecuador.
For three days, over 250 professional visitors attended technical presentations covering topics such as shrimp larvae cultivation management, water quality and nutrition, animal health, disease control and shrimp genetics.
As sponsor of the event, INVE Aquaculture exhibited products, technologies and services of importance to the aquaculture sector. We also provided several speakers who gave a number of well-received keynote presentations.
- Eva Werbrouck (assistant product manager shrimp hatcheries):
“Survey results on shrimp postlarval quality as perceived by Ecuadorian versus other Latin-American and South-East Asian hatcheries.” - Roeland Wouters (R&D engineer):
“An integrated larval shrimp rearing approach with focus on nutrition and PL quality: stretching the balance between experimental dry feeds and Artemia.” - William van der Riet (CEO of Tomalgae):
“Converting algae hatchery art into technology.” - Maria de Lourdes Cobo (General Manager & Area ManagerEcuador):
“Good management practices in shrimp hatcheries with emphasis on biosecurity.”