Natura pRo & ExL
Natura pRo & ExL
The revolutionary feedline that substitutes rotifers by at least 50%
- Boosts fry survival, quality and performance
- Simplifies the larval rearing process
- Unleashes the potential of your hatchery
Marine fish larval rearing is complex and highly dependent on rotifers. Maintaining the required rotifer quantities and keeping consistent quality is still a big challenge.
In order to solve this challenge, we’ve developed a new feedline composed of 2 formulations; Natura pRo and ExL. Each formulation is available in 2 different sizes that seamlessly make rotifer substitution not only a possibility but a reality of at least 50%. This is due to its unique processing technique and selection of raw materials.
This solution empowers you as a hatchery to produce more with less, to increase predictability, simplify the process resulting in a new era in fish marine hatchery production.
Natura pRo and ExL is only available in the EMEA Region. For further information please contact us directly.