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The past issue of EAS Magazine was made a special edition, providing full insights into the AquaIMPACT EU project.

The project is based on a consortium of 11 companies and 13 research institutes, with a solid track record for developing technological advancements for the benefit of industries and consumers. The project integrates information on fish breeding and nutrition to improve European Aquaculture’s competitiveness and complies with consumers’ demands for high-quality products with limited environmental impact.


To achieve such goals, new fish feeds formulations and additives have been provided to genetically selected fish, being used gut microbiota as a reliable criterion to evaluate the success of AquaIMPACT actions to produce healthier and more nutritious fish, contributing to promoting the re-circular bio-economy, the efficient use of resources and zero-waste practices in the aquaculture industry.

Barbara Hostins, Group Leader Health & Environment at INVE Aquaculture has been involved in the AquaIMPACT EU project, to understand the microbiome of major European farmed fish and to assess the effects of our Bacillus-based probiotic solution.

The interaction of breeding programs and nutrition determines fish performance and diet utilization through changes in gut microbiota composition. This recent study demonstrates the antagonistic activity of Sanolife® Bacillus, with the capacity to regulate the microbiota jointly with an establishment of the probiotic bacteria in the mucosal adherent surface, favoring long-term health-promoting effects.

INVE Aquaculture is proud of moving the frontier of probiotics in aquaculture, and of referring in terms to microbial management, most currently applied in Asian Marine Fish & Tilapia farming.

You can see the scope and progress on the AquaIMPACT EU website and subscribe to their newsletter (click here) and receive the latest project updates.

If you wish to find out more about our participation, please contact Bárbara Hostins