TESCO Animal Welfare Standards
Striving for continuous improvements in animal welfare across the aquaculture industry is part of Benchmark’s DNA. Worldwide, we are recognized in the industry as a leader in animal welfare, through our operations and welfare standards which we promote with our customers and our broader outreach in the industry.
As part of this engagement, this year, we became a recognized trainer in Tesco welfare standards, which underpins the requirements to which producers, growers and suppliers must comply in order to supply aquatic products to Tesco. We delivered animal welfare training for farmers in Asia as part of Tesco’s effort to promote animal welfare in their supply chain.
We believe the future of aquaculture lies in sustainability and we have a commitment to transparency. Download our ESG Group Report
We are delighted that the work of our Technical Service team has been recognized by Tesco as best practice animal welfare standards.
This work adds to all that Benchmark is doing to improve the life and culture standards of all animals in our care throughout the entire production cycle.
Andy Shinn
Global Technical Expert (Disease Management)
INVE Aquaculture
Leading multinational retailer, with a workforce of 345,000. TESCO aims to serve customers with affordable, healthy and sustainable food – to help them enjoy a better quality life and an easier way of living.
In 2009 TESCO became the first business to globally set the target to become net zero by 2050, and the first retailer in the UK to publish data on food waste within their operations.
45% reduction in food waste from operations since 2016
100% of electricity purchased is renewable
83% of unsold food safe for human consumption was redistributed in 2021/22 in the UK and 87% in Central Europe
More about Tesco’s Sustainability policies and actions? Click here