BMR is a resounding name throughout the global aquaculture community and probably one of the most inspiring growth stories to be found across the industry. Just over 25 years after the company’s humble start in 1991, the vision of its charismatic founder Dr. B. Masthan Rao has led BMR group to become the industry leader in shrimp farming. As a beacon of professionalism and consistent quality, BMR aims to lead the aquaculture industry in India by example. Strongly believing in a vision of collective improvement and growth, the Group makes every effort possible to support local farms and aquaculture communities.

Microbial safety first

Given BMR’s historical background – its founder thanking his fame and reputation to his quest for a solution to disease issues – it is no wonder that stringent microbial control and strictly applies protocols and best practices are still at the very basis of the company’s quality philosophy. From hatchery to harvest, and even to processing and feed mill operations, BMR employs skilled technicians who take exemplary working methods to a high level of perfection.