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The world’s most valued shrimp hatchery feed is still a beacon of reliability after 35 years of continued innovation

Aquaculture needs innovation to progress. But true innovation can only work when it goes hand in hand with continuity and consistency. The FRiPPAK® shrimp hatchery diet range has been an innovative industry reference and a solid beacon of reliability at the same time for three decades now, as it embarks on its 35th anniversary for INVE’s customers. Let’s take a look back… and a glimpse forward.

35 years of innovation, or is it even more?
The FRiPPAK® diet range was originally developed on research done by David Jones in the UK and Akio Kanazawa in Japan. The first FRiPPAK® products were commercialized between 1986 and 1988 by MARS and launched in Ecuador during the 1986 WAS-Guayaquil Conference. After a period under the ownership of Sanofi-Elf Petrochemical Group, the FRiPPAK® brand was finally acquired by INVE Aquaculture (which had at that point already acquired Artemia Systems, a spin-off from Ghent University in Belgium) in 1993.

Revolutionary micro-encapsulation technique
The foundation of FRiPPAK®’s success was the use of a micro-encapsulation technique inspired by production principles from the pharmaceutical industry. Thanks to this revolutionary technique, FRiPPAK® managed to reduce the leaching of water-soluble nutrients. The diets also showed increased micro-particle digestibility and improved buoyancy. This way, the launch of FRiPPAK® marked aquaculture’s first major step towards less dependency on live feeds in the hatchery.



Today: a top-performing, award-winning product
Incorporated into INVE Aquaculture’s long-standing heritage of hi-tech fish and shrimp nutrition, FRiPPAK® is an important part of INVE’s top-performing feed program for larval and post-larval production of penaeid shrimp species. True to its origins, the feed range has evolved and further improved through the years and now consists of carefully balanced larval, post-larval and raceway diets. All with specific formulations and particle sizes to effectively (co-)feed shrimp from first-feeding zoea till PL-30.

Engineered to maximally reduce the dependence on live feed in shrimp hatchery production, the FRiPPAK® feeds contain all required nutritional and bioactive compounds. FRiPPAK® feeding protocols have proven over and again to produce the highest quality fry with superior, reliable survival rates, increased growth and disease resistance.

The FRiPPAK® diet range has been capped with numerous international industry awards. ‘Best Functional Product 2019’ and ‘Favorite Aquatic Feed 2021’, both granted by the Chinese aquaculture industry, are just a few of the more recent ones.

Tomorrow: a solid foundation for adequate Artemia replacement
Going forward, INVE Aquaculture – now part of Benchmark Holdings – will keep on improving the FRiPPAK® range while closely watching over the diets’ consistency and reliability.

The current formulations already incorporate the latest innovations in nutrition, improving the Artemia replacement capacity from 65% to a highly impressive 85%, enabling 50% reduction in Artemia use while maintaining superior fry quality. It is safe to say that the FRiPPAK® brand is ready to remain a valued industry reference for yet another 30 years to come!

“We are proud and grateful to have contributed to the success of our customers over all these years. And we are looking forward to even more aquaculture businesses joining the FRiPPAK® community,” says Wim Tackaert, Sales Regional Director AMS at INVE Aquaculture.

Do you want to find out more about the FRiPPAK® shrimp hatchery diets and their availability in Ecuador? Visit